Eyo Pineapple aka Sae here, thank you for checking out my carrd.If you'd like to contact me for a commission my discord is .saeran or you can hit me up in mabinogi on Niiato.As for mabinogi prices $1usd=1M
so $25 = 25M easy right? :)Payment can be done via,
- cashapp
- stripe
- Mabinogi gold

Gallery - Continue to commission rates - Terms and Conditions

$15usdWill be simple, bust sketches with base colors if requested. Will not include a background if black and white, if color it can have a simple pattern bg.*A half-body sketch is $20usd
A full-body sketch is $30usd.
$30usdIncludes a simple background and small object for no additional fee. Alternatively no background (render) is an option.- Very detailed character is $10 extra
- Additional characters are $20 each

$60usdIncludes a simple background and small object for no additional fee. Alternatively no background (render) is an option.- Very detailed character is $20 extra
- Additional characters are $50 each
$100usdIncludes a simple background and small object for no additional fee. Alternatively no background (render) is an option.- Very detailed character is $50 extra
- Additional characters are $70 each

Terms and conditions
What do I do?
♣️ Your own character
♣️ Fan art
♣️ Couple, group art
♣️ Young characters, middle aged characters
♣️ Light muscles
♣️ Yaoi/Yuri/Het couples
♣️ NSFWWhat do I not do?
♦ Mech/Robots/Cars
♦ Animals/Furries(Kemonomimi OK)
♦ Very muscular characters
♦ Older characters
♦ Very complex or intricate designs(Willing to simplify them though)
♦ Heavy armor
♦ Certain types of fetish art- Payment will be required after presented with a watermarked completed artwork.- I reserve ownership to all images and the right to post all commissions publicly at my discretion. However posting onto is fine as long as it's linked back to me.- I can refuse a commission request without any explanation.- Finished art pieces will be completed as quickly as 2 days or as slow as two months, it depends on the complexity as well as my work schedule. However typically take around a week.- The most characters i'll do in a drawing is 2(couple) to 4(group).- I won't be offering the lineart for the drawings only the fully rendered png file. The file will usually be about 4000x4000 canvas, It can be larger but not by much.- Refunds will be available as long as the drawing is still in the sketch phase, once lineart is completed refunds will no longer be available. Should the final product not be up to standard I will offer to edit it slightly to suit the commissioner's taste, however I will not redo an entire drawing at that point.
Please fill out this form to provide a clear and organized template to start from.Username:
Character(s) references:
Personality (small description is fine it just helps tell what the characters expressions would be like):
Pose reference: (multiple angles/variations of the same/similar pose are fine)
Would you like a basic background or just a render(render as in no background just a transparent png)?:
Others: [Chest size(small,medium,big or I can guestimate), apparent age, height(if more than 1 in a drawing), etc.]